Eastern Region Roof Training Group rated GOOD with elements of OUTSTANDING


Inspection of Eastern Region Roof
Training Group Limited
Inspection dates: 12 to 14 July 2023
Overall effectiveness Good
The quality of education Good
Behaviour and attitudes Outstanding
Personal development Outstanding
Leadership and management Good
Apprenticeships Good
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Not previously inspected
Information about this provider
Eastern Region Roof Training Group Ltd (ERRTG) is a specialist provider for
apprentices in roofing. At the time of inspection, there were 27 apprentices studying
roofer standard-based apprenticeships at level 2. Eleven apprentices were aged
under 19. Three apprentices were funded by the apprenticeship levy. Two
apprentices were in receipt of high needs funding. Off-the-job learning takes place
at ERRTG’s premises in Ipswich. The provider works with no subcontractors.
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What is it like to be a learner with this provider?
Apprentices develop high levels of technical skill. Apprentices take pride in their
work and make good progress towards gaining their qualification. They confidently
use wind-mapping charts to determine the correct fixings for tiles on roofs in
different locations.
Apprentices value ERRTG’s good off-the-job training resources. Apprentices make
good use of well-designed roofing rigs to practise skills they are unable to develop
at work. They use, for example, wet materials to complete hips, ridges, and verges
to a range of roof pitches.
Apprentices develop excellent professional behaviours and are superb ambassadors
for their employers. They communicate clearly and politely with clients. Apprentices
routinely ensure that clients have safe and clean access to their homes and that
tools and materials are stored neatly and safely.
Apprentices value ERRTG’s open and inclusive culture. They are confident to
discuss with staff and each other personal and financial concerns. Staff have
created a broad and effective curriculum of personal development. This includes
learning about topics including equality and diversity, the risks of radicalisation and
the objectification of women. Apprentices have a good understanding of what
constitutes consent within relationships. They confidently challenge peers who use
discriminatory language at work.
Apprentices are exceptionally well supported by staff to become active citizens.
Apprentices benefit from a broad range of experiences, including visits overseas
and a student ambassador scheme, and they undertake charitable work for families
in need.
Apprentices feel safe and enjoy learning new skills to keep themselves and others
What does the provider do well and what does it need to do
Senior leaders have designed a curriculum that meets the needs of national and
regional roofing employers. Senior leaders have extensive knowledge of roofing
and are active members of professional bodies. These include the National
Federation of Roofing Contractors and the Institute of Roofing. Their expertise
ensures that apprentices develop appropriate core knowledge and skills. As a
result, they become effective and efficient employees in the roofing sector and the
construction industry.
Leaders have worked with employers to develop a carefully considered curriculum
that prepares apprentices appropriately for their work roles. Apprentices benefit
from useful additional qualifications that support them in the workplace. These
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qualifications include how to use abrasive wheels, asbestos awareness and first aid
at work.
Leaders and managers are ambitious for their learners. Apprentices with physical
and mental health conditions benefit from individual plans of learning that staff cocreate with employers and parents. As a result, these apprentices develop
confidence, make progress in line with their peers and become valued employees.
Apprentice outcomes are good. Most apprentices achieve their qualifications, with
half of these achieving the highest grade of distinction. Apprentices demonstrate a
high level of practical skills at work. Several apprentices have competed and
achieved highly in national skills competitions. Most apprentices progress to jobs in
roofing and are fully prepared for the sector in which they gain employment.
Leaders and managers have created a supportive culture for staff and promote
their well-being effectively. Staff are well managed and feel well supported and
valued. Leaders encourage staff to pursue training that is meaningful to them in
their job roles. This includes training to support neurodiverse learners, those who
have experienced early trauma, or those who are leaving care. Staff use the
strategies they have learned to good effect with apprentices.
Tutors build good relationships with apprentices. Tutors create a positive learning
environment and facilitate collaboration. They provide constructive feedback, which
helps apprentices to understand and embed new knowledge. This includes how to
install insulation and ventilation products for warm and cold roof construction.
Tutors make good use of technology to support authentic and purposeful learning.
Apprentices learn how to use scan codes for manufacturers’ instructions and
relevant codes of practice. As a result, apprentices are highly involved in relevant
and interesting learning activities.
Apprentices develop good mathematical skills that are highly relevant to their work.
Apprentices apply their mathematics skills successfully in the workplace. They learn
how to use roof areas and tile overlaps to work out the number of tiles required on
a roof. As a result, they avoid waste and work efficiently.
Apprentices are very well prepared for their next steps in employment or
education. They develop the reflective skills needed to evaluate how their
transferable skills can be used in their future careers. Apprentices can identify the
transferrable skills they are gaining. They know those they are yet to develop, and
they are aware of the work needed to enhance their skills. They are clear about
how to progress along future career paths.
Senior leaders have a good understanding of the strengths and areas for
improvement of their provision. Leaders recognised that the organisation of
learning needed improvement. This included creating closer links with employers,
resulting in the restructuring of apprenticeship courses. Leaders have implemented
new quality management systems in the past six months. Although the impact of
these measures is evident, they are not yet fully embedded across the provision.
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Senior leaders have put in place useful governance arrangements. A new governing
body includes governors with relevant educational, financial and roofing
experience. Governors support and challenge leaders’ strategic planning
effectively. However, the governing body is new and is yet to have an impact on
improving teaching and learning.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Apprentices have a good understanding of the importance of safeguarding and its
relevance to them. They implement their learning from specialist speakers on
issues such as knife crime. They have a good understanding of the risks presented
by radicalisation. This includes the risks associated with extremist views and singlevoice social media platforms.
Staff ensure that apprentices look after their physical health. They check the safe
working practices of employers. Staff ensure that apprentices understand how to
protect themselves from sunburn and dehydration. Apprentices are well informed
about potential workplace hazards and know how to keep themselves safe.
What does the provider need to do to improve?
 Senior leaders must ensure that new quality assurance arrangements are
embedded so that they can continue to provide a high-quality curriculum.
 Senior leaders must ensure that their new governance arrangements are
effective in providing the support and challenge needed for continuous
improvement to teaching and learning.